Are you making the right choice?

Renting in Berlin is fast, and this can lead to bad choices: We bring together historical data from two million records to help you find a flat that fits your needs, in the most informed way.

Ready to get started?

Be informed when making the most important choice of the next 5 years.

Get your timing right

By leveraging market data we can help you seize your dream home just & save thousands of euros

Price drop prediction

Sometimes landlords lower the price of the offer, after realizing it's too high. We'll let you know how likely this is.

Deactivation prediction

We'll tell you right away when we think a rental offer is about to be deactivated: it's all about being fast!

Ready to get started?

Be informed when making the most important choice of the next 5 years.

Know everything about your future home

We pull together information from several data sources to help you fully understand where you're going to live.


Get a quick overlook of all the locations close to the rent you're considering, from supermarkets to bars and restaurants


Is the neighborhood well covered by public transports? What about car sharing? A quick score will tell you right away.

Crime & Safety

Is the area safe? What is the reported criminality in the neighborhood?

And much more

Put the power of computation at your service.

Automatic rent applier
Viewing checklist
Smart alerts
Furnishing deal maker

Ready to get started?

Be informed when making the most important choice of the next 5 years.

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